Aurora- Sequence of Services

Graphic- Coordinated Supports and Collaborative Partnerships on outside circle. Next circle Achieve successful post-secondary outcomes. list of six core outcomes: Understand Disability and Health Managment, Build Self Determination and leadership skills, Build skills to navigate community access servcies, understand post secondary options, Develop competence in computer and digital literacy and expectations of compeitive employment


The Aurora Transition team will work collectively to actively engage and empower students and families by forming a collaborative network of people who create and share accessible resources. The team will coordinate student connections to agencies by becoming knowledgeable about each other’s roles and responsibilities and creating consistency and sustainability of programs and service 

Aurora SOS Workbook.docx


Aurora students and families will be knowledgeable of their options and empowered to connect to the individualized services and supports that will assist the students to be active in their community and successful in their career journey.